Sharmeen Hossain

Trainer At Web Design & Development,ICT Division,GOVT. of Bangladesh

Educational Qualification

S.S.C in Science

Mannan High School & College

H.S.C in Science

Govt.Begum Badrunnessa Mohila College

B.S.S in Social Science

Govt.Kobi Nazrul College

B.A (Hons) in English Literature

Jagannath University

M.A in English Literature

Jagannath University

Personal Information

Name:Sharmeen Hossain

Contact Me

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Personal Details

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See My Journey

1.Project Manager

Bangladesh Science Exhibition, 2019

Aug 2019 - Sep 2020,Dhaka


  • Team representative, Jagannath University.
  • Create IoT project aiming home automation.
  • My challenge was to improve the user-interface, I achieved that by enabling voice command functionality.
  • 3rd Runner-up, won the title of most innovative project idea.

2.React.js Developer

Trixno Web Solution

Aug 2020 - May 2021,Remote Internship


  • Build an online educational platform.
  • Use React and Bootstrap to make the application elegant.
  • Make REST-ful API Using Django-rest-framework and Axios.
  • Design UI/UX and application flow using React-navigation.
  • Deployment on Heroku Cloud Platform.

3.Developer at ScoreLab

Jun 2021 - Dec 2021,Remote Internship


  • Developed as an open-source python package to listen, process and respond to the Gitter chat messages.
  • Worked on unit testing and written the complete documentation of the project. Deployed the project on Heroku.

4.Tech Lead

Xpertzy Pvt Ltd

May 2021 - May 2022,Dhaka


  • Built and led a tech community for an early-age startup and successfully delivered all the prototype requirements within time.
  • Led a team of 5 Full-Stack developers and three designers to complete three dynamic websites and one Android App.
  • Designed the complete System Architecture and Managed the Products for the best customer experience.

5.Blockchain Developer

Sears (SDLC)

Jun 2022 - Aug 2023,Tech Park,Dhaka,Bangladesh


  • Achieved PoC on multiple Blockchain use-cases.
  • Worked on Asset Ownership Transfer application based on Ethereum Blockchain via creating a Solidity Smart-Contract.
  • Built a permissioned-blockchain for the company’s ecosystem on Hyper-Ledger-Fabric to track an asset over multiple participating entities.
  • Worked on an NFT-based ticketing platform.
  • Created the client-side interface on React and Django.

6.Chief Consultant

Linear Amp Tech Section

Information & Communication Technology (ICT Division) Dhaka, GOVT. of Bangladesh

Sep 2023 - Present
